We offer a variety of Fitness Classes at Arena Gym to suit all levels an abilities. Our Functional Training classes are designed by our in-house trainers, and our Les Mills Virtual classes are available 24/7. Discover our fitness classes below.

Our group fitness classes are virtual classes and available both on demand with iPads setup in our class fitness rooms, and on a timetable.

ARENA GYM Functional Classes

Functional Training

Our functional classes are designed to train and develop your muscles to make it easier and safer to perform everyday activities, such as carrying groceries or playing basketball with your kids. Each class is different, so you’ll never get bored and always challenge yourself.

Our functional classes are for all age groups!


Mixing the hottest music with cutting-edge exercise science, motivation and the energy of many, LES MILLS™ group fitness classes make you fall in love with fitness. Discover our range of world-class group fitness workouts below.

The full-body weights workout, BODYPUMP is for anyone looking to get lean, toned, and fit - fast. A total body workout that will burn calories, shape and tone your entire body, increase core strength and improve bone health.

In this virtual class, world leading Instructors will coach you through the scientifically-backed moves and techniques, pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music!

Step into a BODYCOMBAT workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 570 calories** along the way. This high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master.

A LES MILLS™ instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ.

Ideal for anyone and everyone, BODYBALANCE™ is a new generation yoga class that will improve your mind, your body and your life.

You can expect to bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves, elements of Tai Chi and Pilates while an inspiring soundtrack plays in the background. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started.

RPM™ is a fun, low impact indoor cycling workout group indoor cycling workout where you control the intensity.

Your instructor takes you on a journey of hill climbs, sprints and flat riding. In an RPM workout you repeatedly rotate the pedals to reach your cardio peak then ease back down, keeping pace with the pack to lift your personal performance and boost your cardio fitness. You control your own resistance levels and speed so you can build up your fitness level over time. It’s a journey, not a race!

HIIT Classes (Hight Intensity Interval Training)

Get ready to add HIIT workouts to your life and take your fitness to the next level. You’ll be addicted to the results. These HIIT workouts build cardiovascular fitness while improving strength, building lean muscle and maximizing calorie burn.

LES MILLS SPRINT™ is a 30-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, using an indoor bike to achieve fast results. A high intensity, low impact workout, it's scientifically proven to return rapid results.

This workout drives your body to burn calories for hours. You combine bursts of intensity, where you work as hard as possible, with periods of rest that prepare you for the next effort. The payoff? You smash your fitness goals, fast.

LES MILLS GRIT™ Strength is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, designed to improve strength, cardiovascular fitness and build lean muscle. This workout uses barbell, weight plate and bodyweight exercises to blast all major muscle groups. LES MILLS GRIT Strength takes cutting-edge HIIT and combines it with powerful music and inspirational coaches who will be down on the floor with you, motivating you to go harder to get fit, fast.

LES MILLS GRIT™ Athletic is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sports conditioning workout, designed to make you perform like an athlete. This workout often uses a step, bodyweight exercises and multi-dimensional sports conditioning training to increase your overall athletic performance: strength, agility, speed and power.

LES MILLS GRIT™ Cardio is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, increases speed and maximizes calorie burn. This workout uses a variety of body weight exercises and provides the challenge and intensity you need to get results fast. LES MILLS GRIT Cardio takes HIIT and combines it with powerful music and inspirational coaches who will be down on the floor with you, motivating you to go harder to get fit, fast.

We have membership options to suit everyone’s lifestyle and budget.